An influential Code of Ecology needs to be developed and followed on the following principles :
Providing steps and measures to protect and bring regenerability of the
life support systems by rational utilization of all available resources
that includes developing and protecting renewable resources, conserving
non-renewable resources prolonging their lives by recycling and reuse,
decreasing waste and seeing that more wastage does not occur in pursuit
of making profits on the whole.
Making efforts to bring about a fair sharing of resources that are
available along with the means and products of development between
nations of the world. This would surely result in a notable decrease in
differences in resource use and also a notable reduction in resource
used in developed nations; and also an increase in resource utilization
with almost negligible environmental degradation and population control
in developing nations.
Creating an awareness of the hidden social, economic and environmental
costs of consumerism and overuse of resources with particular reference
to its impact on developing nations.
Willingness to adopt sustainability as a way of life by getting more
from less and in association with others.
Making measures to meet all the essential needs of society and logical,
legal desires by combining economic and environment necessities for
eradicating poverty.
Stopping and reversing the build up of armaments to propagate
sustainable peace, security and environment.
But all these steps towards a sustainable society changes need to be
brought at the individual level. If all individual take up these
measures of the Code of Ecology in time, the change will be noticed at
the societal and government levels too. The orders or laws laid down by
the government cannot enforce the Code of Ecology by themselves. The
adoption of the Code of Ecology can be started and carried out on
individual levels more efficiently and effectively. It has been realized
that today environment is no longer some concern about wildlife,
deforestation and pollution, but it is a question, a conflict of mind
and spirit, a conflict race has followed till date and the kind of
people we have developed into, and how we must change to survive